Monday, December 31, 2007


Haven't had enough frenzy? NEW MEDIA ARTS MANILA extends your New Year celebration with digital fireworks by offering the second installment of ELECTROSTATIC SOUND CONFERENCE .

The CHILDREN OF CATHODE RAY pays homage to the great experimental film maker, animator and art icon ROX LEE by providing live score to Lizard and Ink, two early works that showcase the lyrical and abrasive sides of the man who has inspired and influenced many of today's contemporary artists. CCR also lays background to some interations of Tad Ermitano's generative video installation /mutation. Pronounced "permutation," the installation featured a probabilistic editing algorithm coded by Ermitano, which creates live variations of the classic narrative. /mutation's videos are the first Philippine videos to be edited by artificial intelligence.

Imported from Canada MAGGOT BREEDER is the long term ongoing musical project of Reuel Ordonez, filipino by birth and now residing in Montreal, Quebec. Utilizing the guitar as the primary sound source, Maggot Breeder creates a dark yet oddly serene soundscape which invokes images of war, conflict, pain, despair and suffering. Video art by Tad Ermitano.

Lirio Salvador, sculptor and luthier whose ornate, chrome-plated instruments are featured on television, displayed in galleries, and played by his group Elemento. Lirio performs along side Jonjie Ayson . (appearance in cooperation with E.X.I.S.T.) Video art by Blums Borres.

Erick Calilan a.k.a. UGONG amuses us with circuit-bent tweaking of custom lunch-box-plastic-toy electronics. (appearance in cooperation with E.X.I.S.T.)

TROJAN WHORES is composed of Pow Martinez and Sam Kiyomarsi. Like Sunn O)) they're feedback worshipers.

ELECTROSTATIC SOUND CONFERENCE II will be on January 2, 8:30 pm at Club Dredd, 2nd floor Gweilos Eastwood. Brought to you by: Globe, Microsoft, Intel, Behringer, Sony Ericsson, Asus, and Pilgrim Visuals. For more infromation call 9287644 or 09153702525 or email Admission is FREE!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Year Ender List for 2008

As 2007 careens towards the end of the line, I type away before 2008 bites me in the face.

Shortlist of to do/expect for Tengalization 2008:
(I'll start from the hardest to do to the easiest).

1. Interactive video + sound installation for 4 video channels (with speakers), headphones, turntable + infrared. (Soon to be disclosed).

2. Website and specifics for a NEW and OFFICIAL archival company/label, SABAW (to be registered and patented.)

3. Short film entitled PORNO.

4. Release 5 albums (tentative):

a) Miniaturist Jazz album - Jazz without melodic improvisation, each song composed with 50 notes or less. (Early 2008)
b) Live improvised performance with Malaysian sound artist, Goh Lee Kwang, guitarist/sound engineer genius, Arvie Bartolome and a few surprise guests. (Early 2008)
c) Pinku - J-pop for the 21st century schizoid short-term memory kids.
d) Sequential Boredom Series - Part II of the series I started (Drones for the Bored, released 2006) in 2006.
e) Feet Conjoined Hands - Collaboration recordings that started in 2005 with newly recorded material between Tengal, Pow Martinez (Nun Radar, Nasal Police), Thomas Mcwalter (Conscript). (Mid 2008)
f) Live Improvisations (recorded 2005) - Tengal, Pow Martinez, Inconnu ictu. (Early 2008)

5. SABAW Shows

Gangan Series: Collab show with video art (Tad Ermitano), contemporary dance (Donna Miranda), Sound art, and Shibari, Japanese rope bondage (Shinobi). (Early 2008)

And 3 more concept shows that will soon be revealed.

6. "SUNDAY MASS" - Fringe symposium and performance for the experimental arts every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:00pm at Mag:net Katipunan, Quezon City. Hosted by Tengal with guest artist curators.

7. CARACOA: Literary poetry journal by Philippine Literary Arts Council. God only knows why they're planning on publishing some of my "unplayable" graphic scores in their anthology.

And finally,

8. The upcoming SABAW Anthology concept album.

Happy holidays everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Artist-in-Residence program at IAMAS, Japan

Forwarded From: YOSUKE Kawamura

Call for artists
Artist-in-Residence program at IAMAS, Japan
The Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences and the International
Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) conducts an Artists-in-Residence
invitational program.
We call for applications once a year. Now we are calling for the next term.
Term: 6 month period between May 1. 2008 and March 31. 2009
1 person
Deadline: December 31. 2007.
Application Requirements
1. Applicants should be either artists or researchers with excellent track records as professionals in the field of media art.
2. Applicants should be able to speak either Japanese or English to the
extent of being able to get by comfortably during their stay in Japan.
3. Applicants should be in good health.
See the detail:
Yosuke Kawamura
center for media culture
IAMAS, institute of advanced media arts and sciences
3-95 ryoke-cho, ogaki city, gifu 503-0014 japan
tel: +81-(0)584-75-6606

Okay, any takers? I can't this time. I still have to finish school. :(

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Electrostatic Sound Conference Live Recordings

Live recording of the Electrostatic Sound Conference that was held last October 10 at Club Dredd, 2nd floor Gweilos Eastwood.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

New Media Arts Manila (NMAM) was formed to curate, stage, and promote New Media Art -- art made with electronic, audiovisual, and information technologies. It includes sound art, video art, interactive electronics, algorithmic art, computer music, and whatever art forms new technologies may yet spawn. As NMAM's first project, ELECTROSTATIC SOUND CONFERENCE will showcase the full range of performative sound art pieces through the performances of the following artists:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Jing Garcia, tech editor of The Manila Times who founded the seminal sound art group Children of Cathode Ray in 1989 and composes industrial/ambient pieces as autoceremony.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Mu Arae Transmission, (aka Moon Fear Moon aka John Sobrepena), who composes haunting and eerie instances of IDM (Intelligent Dance Music).

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Malek Lopez, Berklee-trained virtuoso who is the principal composer for the band Drip, and half of the abrasive electronica duo Rubber Inc.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Lirio Salvador, sculptor and luthier whose ornate, chrome-plated instruments are featured on television, displayed in galleries, and played by his group Elemento.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tengal, frenetic composer, a tireless sound artist, the founder of S.A.B.A.W . sound art collective, and a one-man record label.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tad Ermitano, filmmaker and video artist who creates custom programs and hardware for his art installations. His work has appeared in Time magazine.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Blums Borres, 3D animator, performative video artist, and sound artist who dedicates himself to expanding the sonic territory of the electric guitar.

All tracks recorded by Tengal.
(Except Jing Garcia's track, recorded by Arvie Bartolome).
Additional mastering by Arvie Bartolome.
Courtesy of My Head Studios and S.A.B.A.W. (C) 2007
All tracks are subject to respective artist's copyrights and cannot be used anywhere without prior permission from the artist.

[Divided into 2 parts]

Part 1:

Part 2:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Composer dies at 79

Karlheinz Stockhausen has died.

Controversial giant of 20th century musical modernism dies age 79:
Guardian Unlimited


"In 1958 he made his first visit to the USA, and around this time his
music became more relaxed, both in its density of events and in its
notational exactitude. This was partly a result of Cage's influence;
partly it came from the experience of electronic music, which
suggested a different way of hearing, tuning in to sound events
rather than expecting them to be items in some pattern. Hence the
comparatively leisurely pace of Carr? for four choral-orchestral
groups (1960), Kontakte for piano, percussion and tape (1960) and
Momente for soprano, choir and instruments (1964, extended 1972).
Then the habit of working with sound as a substance led to a period
of virtual concentration on electronic pieces, many of them written
for the performing group with whom Stockhausen toured: Mikrophonie I
(1964), Prozession (1967), Kurzwellen (1968), Aus den sieben Tagen
(1968), these gradually relinquishing notation to the point where the
last work consists only of prose poems designed to stimulate
intuitive music-making. There were also, however, major works
composed on tape: Telemusik (1966), created during a revelatory visit to Japan, and Hymnen (1967), both using recordings from around the world."
The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Preview of upcoming show

Dec. 5, 2007
Green Papaya, Q.C.

Brainstorm meeting with Donna Miranda (contemporary dancer), Tad Ermitano (video artist), and Shinobi (Shibari sensei). Brief basic demonstration followed.
This is a series of upcoming shows I've been conceptualizing since early October and I'm curating them next year; with the initial show at Green Papaya art projects.

An interactive cross-disciplinary show involving sound artists and musicians, video art, contemporary dance, and Shibari (Japanese rope bondage). Still working on the details of the algorithm of the performance, but it's pretty complex.
Also Rogue Magazine is a media sponsor. Thank the world for crazy editors like Erwin Romulo for taking us in.

For more info about the GANGAN SERIES: click here
For more info about SHIBARI (and Shinobi): click here
For more info about GREEN PAPAYA: click here